OBOA Value Added Member Services Policy

OBOA provides additional value-added member services and products to its OBOA members.
With these added services, members must be aware that the information collected, used and disclosed
between the OBOA and the parties providing additional value-added member services and products is
ready available. In order to recieve added value services, members of the association must consented to
collection use and disclosure of any information required to implement value added services and products.
If you "Do Not" wish to be part of the added value service and products additions, please indicate
"No" to be removed from any OBOA additional value-added member services and products program.
Your membership information "will not" be granted to parties providing value-added member services
and products to the Address you have provided on the OBOA On-Line Membership Application Form.
If you "wish" to be part of the added value service and products additions, please indicate"Yes"
on the OBOA On-Line Membership Application Form, Your membership information "will" be
granted to parties providing value-added member services and products.

Answering "No" will not exclude you from receiving key OBOA information, such as
News Letters, Confirmations of Registration, Activitites and other Bulletins from OBOA. This E-Media
can be adjusted through email reply and on the website in our Communications page under "contact us".

 October 16, 2015